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Home 9 Settings 9 Account


Know how to personalize the dashboard according to your needs in the settings module.

Under settings, you can see two sections:

  • Account
  • Collaborators



The Account section includes your personal information, organizational information, services and payment info.

You have an edit option for these sections and can make changes in any of these information, if you need.

In the above image, you can see the options to edit your personal information and the billing email address.


If you wish to change your password, you can do it here. You can also edit your organizational information as seen in the above image.

Under desired services, you can see all the review services, special services and technical services. All the desired services you have selected at the time of sign up are ticked off.


If you need to add or delete any services, you can do it here.

All your preferred templates will be here and you can even upload more templates if you need.

You can customize new templates too with the help of the questionnaire.


Payment information and billing preferences also can be edited, as seen in the above image.